Design Your Own Tour

Full Name: (required)

Nationality: (required)

Email Address: (required)

Alternative Email Address:

Phone Number(required)

Number of Adults: (required)

Number of Children(under 12 years old):

Number of Children(under 12 years old):

Tour Starting Date:

Length of stay in China:

Entry China City:

Exit China City:

Places or attractions that you want to visit:

Estimative total budget per person:

Other Requirements:

One Response to “Design Your Own Tour”

  1. We fly into shanghai on Nov. 10, 2015 at 10pm and are planning on staying in a hotel nearby the PVG airport. Being we have a 14 hour layover, we would like to try and see a sight or 2 before we fly out the next afternoon at 1pm. Something like the bund or the pearl tower. Would it be possible to do something like this if we got up early in the morning, before we have to fly out.

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